One World Dialogue (OWD) is taking on a project to get 1 million acts of peace recorded around the world.

The purpose of this campaign is to get people thinking and talking about peace.

Peace is all around us.  It comes in many forms.  Peace is achievable in any corner of the world; it just takes vision, determination and the strength of the global community coming together.

One person, one act CAN create change. 

1 act x 1 million acts CAN create global change. 

The goal: To get 1 million acts of peace recorded from individuals, groups, organizations - anyone, from anywhere in the world. 

But, it doesn't stop at just one ACT. Share mrs about how and why you did your act of peace, to help others learn, understand your perspective and teach/inspire others to take action - this is how the dialogue starts! 

Join One World Dialogue's Peace Project to build a culture of peace. Adding your acts includes you in OWD's 'culture of courage'; where you are encouraged to be the spark of change that is needed in the world! 

How to do it? 

Twitter: @OneWorldD #MillionAOP (share an picture or video too!) 

Facebook: One World Dialogue


Send us your act and explanation of your act and where you are located in the world! 

What is an Act of Peace? 

An act of peace can take many shapes and forms. Think of something you have done to help someone/others around you. What impact have you made? It can be helping someone out (an act of kindness), stopping from being bullied, keeping calm in a difficult situation, writing a poem and sharing it with a group, or as large as being part of or organizing a community project/event that makes an impact in all areas. 

352 Acts and counting.....

If you would like to send us your act of peace/kindness, please email it to us at: